Short Answers to Ten Pertinent Questions

How old is the world according to Genesis?

Why is the creation of the plants mentioned before that of the Sun?

Why is the creation of Adam mentioned before the plants and animals?

What about the speaking snake?

Was Adam literally created from the dust of the ground?

What kind of fruit did Adam and Eve eat?

Where was the Paradise?

Was the Flood global or just local?

What means the beast of Apocalypse?

Why are there apparitions of Saint Mary?


How old is the world according to Genesis?

God created the light on the first day (Gen 1:1). However, the the light of the Sun is only mentioned on the fourth day (Gen 1:14-19). This is why the six days of creation are not identical with earth-days depending on the rotation of the Earth around itself but are other time periods that do not contradict a 13.7 billion years old universe.

See Celestial and terrestrial plants


Why is the creation of the plants mentioned before that of the Sun?

This apparent paradox of the second account of creation is linked to the fact that there is light before the Sun and that the six creation-days are not earth-days. This is why the supernatural Garden of Eden refers in the first place to celestial plants living of celestial light. These plants do not need the light of the Sun and were created before our physical world. This is why the account mentions them before the Sun and our terrestrial plants only have a secondary meaning.

See Celestial and terrestrial plants


Why is the creation of Adam mentioned before the plants and animals?

The first chapters of Genesis are full of hierarchically layered references. This is why this paradox is exactly of the same nature as the previous ones, that is it indicates a celestial creation, which came into existence before all terrestrial creations. Of course, the creation of Adam refers to that of man, but this is again only a secondary meaning because in the first place it refers to the angels. A hidden allusion, among others, to this interpretation is precisely the fact that Adam's creation is mentioned before that of the plants and animals, which does not correspond to the chronology of biological evolution.

See A celestial and terrestrial Adam


What about the speaking snake?

The speaking snake is probably the best example for the multisignificance of Genesis: On the one hand, it is evident that the devil is meant, an angel being able of speech. On the other hand, snakes are animals that do not speak. So Genesis mixes this two beings into a single surrealistic entity. To get it realistic again, one needs to separate clearly angels and animals. This multisignificance used for the speaking snake is also used for the other animals, that is the hierarchy of the animals and their characteristics refer to those among the angels, without distorting the fact that at the same time the animals literally just represent common animals in a secondary meaning.

See A celestial and terrestrial Adam


Was Adam literally created from the dust of the ground?

Definitely not! Why should Genesis suddenly become literally? Instead, this passage contains multiple references to at least

See The incarnation prefigured by Adam


What kind of fruit did Adam and Eve eat?

Was it an apple or maybe an orange? None of them of course because they did eat a symbolic fruit that already have eaten the angels, especially the devil who seduces Adam and Eve to eat it. In short, the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil means the desire to live according to one's own laws instead of those dictated by others, especially by higher powers like the society or God. While this must not imperatively be a crime for the former reasons, it is a sin regarding God's laws and is at first committed in the head, where all crimes start.

See The life cycle of the angels and humans


Where was the Paradise?

One often says that the Paradise is the place where one feels happy. This is in a certain sense also true for the biblical Paradise, for it refers to places where humanity succeeded and lived in relative peace. In the first place it means of course Heaven, the place of God and the angels. In connection with the theory of multireference and the cycles of salvation history, it also means the place of the first humans in Central Africa. At a later period, it is the plain of the Euphrates and Tigris where the Sumerian civilization began to settle and the Flood took place.

See Several paradises and floods


Was the Flood global or local?

The Flood was definitely a local event or several local events limited to the plain of the Euphrates and Tigris in present Iraq where several inundations took place around 4000 BC. The planetary catastrophe has to be understood within the context of the whole Bible, especially with Revelation that announces the famous end of the world. There is some evidence that the global character of the Flood does not refer to the past but to a future deluge of nuclear fire.

See The account of the flood


What means the beast of Revelation?

"The beast (who) was, and is not, and is to ascend from the abyss..." (Rev 17:8) does not only apply to persons but also to civilizations because it has multiple significations varying from persons to Empires in the past and future. Nero and other Roman emperors did incarnate it of course but also the city of Rome and the Roman Empire as a whole. In this sense, the beast that "was, and is not" means its fall and the disappearance of the Roman culture until the Renaissance when Antiquity was rediscovered in Europe. This is the beast ascending "from the abyss". This re-emergence is very slow and starts harmless in the beginning to go towards its climax, which will end with the Antichrist, when the beast will be personified again.

See The beast ascending from the abyss


Why are there apparitions of Saint Mary?

Marian apparitions are due to the repetitive nature of salvation history, which has three eras with four cycles each one. The cycles are again composed of four phases (see Summary of Salvation History). In the spiritual era there is, in addition to the usual phases, a phase of apparition, which was realized the first time with the angel Gabriel announcing to Mary Jesus' birth at the beginning of Jesus' life cycle on earth. The second phase of apparition is held by the apparitions of Jesus after his resurrection during forty days. This phase is part of the second cycle limited to the primitive Church of Jerusalem. The third and fourth phase belong respectively to the third and fourth cycle that are much longer periods. Consequently, also their phases of apparition last longer and include not only a single apparition of Mary but innumerable ones at different dates and places in the world.

See Apparition and Spirit and The Daughter of Zion



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